well..this is 1 thread...mob won't shit all over21 people were shot, three of them killed in Chicago yesterday (6/18/20).
Chicago's first quarter murders were up from 2019. 93 people were killed
in the city from January 1 thur March 31. There were 419 shootings during
the same time period.
Black Lives Matter.....doesn't look like it.
Does not fit the narrative...
But don’t be fooled...there is a growing movement in the black church community to squash all this BLM non sense...
The MSM can try to divide people all they want...it is not going to work in the end.
Take the tin foil off dude...face)(*^%Oh.
The Trump campaign also published on Facebook an ad with images of a red triangle that mirrored the patches Nazis used to mark political prisoners in concentration camps. The ads apparently ran 88 times—88 is code for Heil Hitler-- and Facebook later removed the ads for promoting “organized hate.”
Parker Molloy, editor at Media Matters, noted that this sort of dog whistle is designed to attract like-minded racists, but also to make opponents seem “paranoid, easily offended, and see Nazis everywhere they look.” She also suggested that this was a deliberate attempt to avoid having to pay for more ads because media would pick up the story and run with it. “It’s expensive to run ads,” she wrote, “but media coverage is free.” She noted that it’s far cheaper to run something offensive, get banned, and then cry “censorship--” which feeds the right-wing’s existing narrative-- than it is to pay for ads.
So it was a chaotic day, and a confusing one, but the fact that the Trump campaign is openly sharing Nazi symbols suggests that the lines of the election are becoming very clear indeed.
America’s President....
He does not support white supremacy...you fall right into the lefts trap...So you think with a president/administration who supports white supremacy, people shouldn’t protest anything?
Y’all had a problem with the silent protests. Now you have a problem with these protests because you wouldn’t hear the silent ones.
He does not support white supremacy...you fall right into the lefts trap...
He is a white male(just like you)...He is successful(unlike you)...there for you and your klan claim he is a racist....
Biden holds hands with KKK grand wizards...Is he racist or just looking for support for votes?
Weak argument...yaaawwnnn
CHicago is a disaster, they are killing each other and there is no stopping them.
Funny how stupid Africans are, they still think Trump said the Charlottesville participants were "fine people" and so on...
In fact he said that there were some bad ones and he cited White Nationalists and Neo Nazis and KKK as being dispicable.
But the Africans are told by their handlers that when he said "fine people" he meant KKK and Neo-Nazis and White Supremists and they get riled up and riot and loot and burn and attack and murder when one white cops. They have set themselves back 20 years, again.
You posted something you copied and pasted from god knows where...No I absolutely believe trump is not a racist.Did you not just read what I posted above? That’s not left or right. That’s from a historian who studies the contrast between image and reality in America...especially what’s going on in politics
Is biden putting out racist political ads? Putting out Nazi symbols? Wrong move to defend that clown.
mob is so blind trying to call out everything that is racist he skips facts...Actually it was the Antifa symbol. Meaning no Antifa come.
Should not believe fake news and propaganda from the leftist historian that has been called out as much